Compressor is an essential part in recording. Todays recordings always use compression in some individual tracks, and also possibly the entire mix.
But whenever you compress, you add noise. It always happens because there is no such noise free recordings. So here we have a problem that requires a solution if our recordings are not to suffer.
First of all we should know why compressor add noise? Let's look in more detail...
The action of a compressor is to reduce high levels in a signal so that they are closer to the lower levels. We say that the compressor reduces the dynamic range.
The problem now is that the signal now sounds quieter because the peak levels are lower. So we need to amplify the signal back up. This is called make up gain.
So now we have a signal that is as loud as it was before in the peaks, and the lower-level sections are louder too.So in bringing up the lower levels through make-up gain, the noise level is brought up too. What can be done?
In an individual track of just one instrument or vocal, while the instrument is playing the noise will be obscured, or masked as we call it. The noise will only be audible in the gaps when the instrument stops playing. If we can silence those gaps, then the noise will be inaudible. To do that, we need another piece of equipment - the noise gate.
A noise gate works by detecting the difference in level between the wanted signal and the noise. Where there is wanted signal, which will be higher in level than the noise, the gate lets it through. When there is just noise, the gate shuts it off. Noise gates can be tricky to set up, but the same effect can be achieved by simply muting sections of a track when the instrument isn't playing.
It is important to realize that the above only works where there are gaps. If you compress the entire stereo mix, then there will be no gaps, hence the noise gate cannot provide any benefit.
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Recording Vocal
Both condenser and dynamic microphones can be used to record vocals. Generally in professional studios, large diaphragm condensers are used, as they have a refined sound with a wide dynamic range and extended frequency response. Many excellent vocals, however, have been recorded on commonly available dynamics like the Shure SM58.
Choice of mic is down to what you have available, but in a situation where you have several different models, make your choice based on which mic suits the singer's voice for a particular song. Many engineers and producers will put up several mics initially to check which one sounds best.
Having chosen a microphone, it's preferable to mount it on a stand. Most mics come supplied with a mount, and the more expensive ones will have a suspended cradle mounting to isolate the microphone from shock and vibration.
It is possible to record vocals using a hand-held mic like an SM58 but, in terms of the sound being recorded, there are several reasons why this is not ideal. Firstly, there is handling noise to consider - the sound of the singer moving their grip on the microphone and moving it around will be picked up. Secondly, unless the singer is very experienced with mic technique, the mic will be held at different distances from the mouth at various times, resulting in small changes in timbre and level.
The next thing to consider about a microphone is its polar pattern. Many mics, especially less expensive ones, have a fixed polar pattern, usually cardioid. Others have a switchable polar pattern, but unless you are after a certain effect, switching it to cardioid is preferable.
Cardioid mics are the norm for recording vocals as they accept sound from directly in front and reject much of what comes from the back and sides. This is important in the context of the room where the vocal recording is to take place, as reflections from the walls may be picked up by the microphone, adding some of the ambient sound of that room to the vocal sound. This would obviously be more pronounced if an omni pattern was selected on the mic.
In most cases it is probably best to record a vocal in a dead-sounding area and add any ambience at the mixing stage using a reverb unit, because once ambience is recorded with a vocal, you are stuck with it.
6" is Ideal
A singer's distance from the mic can make a lot of difference to the sound recorded. A distance of 6" or so is perhaps a good starting point, although experienced singers will work the mic by leaning into it for some passages and moving back for louder sections.
Sing too far away from the mic and more of the room ambience will be picked up; sing closer to the mic and more of the proximity effect comes into play. Proximity effect is a pronounced boost in low frequencies which results in the voice sounding bassier when singing very close to the mic, and it can be successfully exploited by an experienced vocalist.
It is best to try to keep a vocalist at a consistent distance from the mic, particularly when doing multiple takes and where he/she has to leave the booth to listen to playbacks and then go back and sing the odd line. If the same distance from the mic is maintained, variations in volume and timbre between takes is minimized, and dropped-in lines will sound more natural.
Once a singer is at the optimum distance from the microphone, mark the position of their feet on the floor with gaffa tape so that they can go back to the same position each time, and don't forget to mark the position of the mic stand at the same time in case it is accidentally moved.
The height of the microphone on its stand in relation to the singer is also a factor to take into consideration. Some like to sing up to a mic suspended a little higher than them, but this can strain the voice if the head, neck and shoulders are stretched up. A mic that is suspended too low is also not ideal if it causes the singer to hunch over, although this at least puts less strain on the neck and shoulders.
An advisable starting position is to have the capsule level with the singer's mouth and then move it if necessary to suit the singer's most comfortable stance. Having the capsule level with the singer's mouth creates its own problems, as it is more susceptible to blasts of air, but there are methods to counter this, the most important of which is the use of a pop shield.
A pop shield is generally put up a couple of inches in front of the mic and its basic function is to stop plosives, which are the popping sounds from blasts of air usually produced by singing the vowels 'B' and 'P'. The pop shield also serves to protect microphones from spit and moisture produced by the singer.
Commercially available pop shields, which usually have a goose neck and a clamp allowing direct fixing to the mic stand, are fairly expensive.
If you cannot attach the pop shield directly to the mic stand, try using a second mic stand purely as support for the pop shield. If popping problems still persist, try getting the singer to sing
slightly to the side, above or below the mic. If a singer has difficulty doing this and needs to focus directly on the mic, put up another mic that is not plugged in and site it right next to the real vocal mic. Then let the singer sing into this dummy mic.
Whisper to a Scream
Microphones have to be connected to a pre-amplifier, and there are two options available. Connection can either be into the mic amp in a mixing desk's input channel, or into a standalone mic pre-amp. These provide a higher quality signal path to the recording medium than that provided by the average mixing desk.
Compression is near-essential to even out the performance when recording vocals. The human voice has a huge dynamic range (from a whisper to a scream, to use the old cliché), and a compressor will 'squash' that range a little. Don't go over the top, though; reducing the peaks by a few dB ought to be sufficient. Once compression is recorded you can't take it off, so it's best to err on the side of caution. More compression can, of course, be added as needed at the mixing stage.
Several of the standalone pre-amps on the market have their own compressor built in. When recording through a desk's input channel, a compressor should be connected via the channel's insert points.
EQ can also be applied when recording vocals, perhaps to remove a bit of nasal honk from a voice, to brighten up the sound a little, or, most usefully, to filter out some of the bottom end of the spectrum. Real low frequency sounds, such as outside traffic rumble or the sound of the singer's feet moving on the floor can be transmitted up the stand to the microphone, and an increase in bass due to the previously mentioned proximity effect can also be a problem.
To get around this, switch in a high-pass or bass roll-off filter. Most mic pre-amps and desk channels, and some mics, will have a switchable filter operating at somewhere between 75Hz and 100Hz, cutting out most of the low end below that figure.
EQ should, however be applied with caution. Adding too much top-end boost, for example, can often exaggerate the sibilance of the voice. It's best to record a vocal flat, but if you feel the need for EQ, use it sparingly. And while you may be tempted to use a noise gate or downward expander to cut out noise between phrases, our advice is not to. It's too easy to chop the end off notes and make the vocal sound unnatural.
Processing of this sort should be left to the mix stage, when time can be taken to set it up accurately.
Condenser or Dynamic?
Although there are other designs, the microphones most commonly used in studios today fall into one of two categories - condenser or dynamic. A microphone is simply a device which converts acoustic energy (sound waves) into electrical energy, and the dynamic and the condenser each do that in their own way. This has consequences for the sound produced, and hence the use to which each is put.
A condenser mic, also known as a capacitor mic, has a thin diaphragm that is supported around its rim at a small distance from a thicker backplate. The theory is that the two form the two electrodes of a simple capacitor, and are oppositely charged by the application of a polarising voltage. When the diaphragm moves in response to sound waves, the spacing of the diaphragm and backplate (and hence the capacitance) will vary, and this is used to generate the output voltage.
Because a voltage has to be supplied to the backplate and diaphragm, a mic of this nature needs a power supply.
This usually comes in the form of 48V phantom power supplied from the mixing desk or mic pre-amp. Condenser mics are more difficult to manufacture than dynamics and are therefore more expensive; they are also not as rugged and are more susceptible to changes in atmospheric conditions, so should be stored, and handled, with care.
In use, a condenser is generally more sensitive than a dynamic and has a better transient response. It also has a wider frequency response, so can pick up more top end than a dynamic, making it very useful for instruments like cymbals, acoustic guitars, and vocals.
Condensers can be built with two diaphragms, and by changing the voltage of the second diaphragm in relation to the first, the mic is capable of several different polar patterns - from omni-directional through cardioid to figure-of - eight.
Some condensers are designed with a valve in the circuitry; these do not need phantom power as they usually come with their own power supply. Valve mics provide a different tonality than the standard condenser, with an added warmth in the sound.
Another variation from the standard condenser design is the electret mic, which uses a permanently charged electret material to charge the capsule. These mics are usually cheaper than condensers and can often be run from a battery if you do not have a phantom power source.
Dynamic mics work because of the electromagnetic interaction between the field of a magnet and a moving coil conductor. A coil of wire, surrounded by magnets, is fixed to the back of the diaphragm, the motion of which results in the coil cutting through the magnetic field, inducing an electric current in the coil.
Unlike condensers, dynamic mics do not require any power supply. They are more robust, and can cope with high sound pressure levels.
Because dynamics are pressure- operated, their polar response can only be either omnidirectional or cardioid, and most handheld dynamic vocal mics are cardioids. Dynamics are also limited in their high frequency response, some having an upper limit of 16k (a good capacitor will go up to 20k).
Mics designed for stage use will often have a bass end roll-off built in to counteract the proximity effect, and many have a presence peak built into their frequency response somewhere up around 5k. This is designed to help vocals cut through a mix. Some very well-known rock singers record their vocals with dynamic mics for that particular punchy sound.
Microphone Polar Patterns
A cardioid (or unidirectional) mic is so named because of its heart-shaped response. It will pick up sound mostly from the front. Dynamic cardioid microphones are popular for vocals because of their off-axis exclusion, and robustness, but condenser cardioids are much better for the studio vocalist.
A figure-of-eight microphone picks up sound from both front and rear of the diaphragm, but because the opposite sides are out of phase, side-on sources get cancelled out. Figure-of-eight microphones have the potential for very accurate recordings.
A circle is the polar response of an 'ideal' omni-directional microphone. In practice, the response favours the 'open' side of the capsule at higher frequencies, so off-axis sources can be dull. Omni mics are particularly resistant to wind and handling noise.
Both condenser and dynamic microphones can be used to record vocals. Generally in professional studios, large diaphragm condensers are used, as they have a refined sound with a wide dynamic range and extended frequency response. Many excellent vocals, however, have been recorded on commonly available dynamics like the Shure SM58.
Choice of mic is down to what you have available, but in a situation where you have several different models, make your choice based on which mic suits the singer's voice for a particular song. Many engineers and producers will put up several mics initially to check which one sounds best.
Having chosen a microphone, it's preferable to mount it on a stand. Most mics come supplied with a mount, and the more expensive ones will have a suspended cradle mounting to isolate the microphone from shock and vibration.
It is possible to record vocals using a hand-held mic like an SM58 but, in terms of the sound being recorded, there are several reasons why this is not ideal. Firstly, there is handling noise to consider - the sound of the singer moving their grip on the microphone and moving it around will be picked up. Secondly, unless the singer is very experienced with mic technique, the mic will be held at different distances from the mouth at various times, resulting in small changes in timbre and level.
The next thing to consider about a microphone is its polar pattern. Many mics, especially less expensive ones, have a fixed polar pattern, usually cardioid. Others have a switchable polar pattern, but unless you are after a certain effect, switching it to cardioid is preferable.
Cardioid mics are the norm for recording vocals as they accept sound from directly in front and reject much of what comes from the back and sides. This is important in the context of the room where the vocal recording is to take place, as reflections from the walls may be picked up by the microphone, adding some of the ambient sound of that room to the vocal sound. This would obviously be more pronounced if an omni pattern was selected on the mic.
In most cases it is probably best to record a vocal in a dead-sounding area and add any ambience at the mixing stage using a reverb unit, because once ambience is recorded with a vocal, you are stuck with it.
6" is Ideal
A singer's distance from the mic can make a lot of difference to the sound recorded. A distance of 6" or so is perhaps a good starting point, although experienced singers will work the mic by leaning into it for some passages and moving back for louder sections.
Sing too far away from the mic and more of the room ambience will be picked up; sing closer to the mic and more of the proximity effect comes into play. Proximity effect is a pronounced boost in low frequencies which results in the voice sounding bassier when singing very close to the mic, and it can be successfully exploited by an experienced vocalist.
It is best to try to keep a vocalist at a consistent distance from the mic, particularly when doing multiple takes and where he/she has to leave the booth to listen to playbacks and then go back and sing the odd line. If the same distance from the mic is maintained, variations in volume and timbre between takes is minimized, and dropped-in lines will sound more natural.
Once a singer is at the optimum distance from the microphone, mark the position of their feet on the floor with gaffa tape so that they can go back to the same position each time, and don't forget to mark the position of the mic stand at the same time in case it is accidentally moved.
The height of the microphone on its stand in relation to the singer is also a factor to take into consideration. Some like to sing up to a mic suspended a little higher than them, but this can strain the voice if the head, neck and shoulders are stretched up. A mic that is suspended too low is also not ideal if it causes the singer to hunch over, although this at least puts less strain on the neck and shoulders.
An advisable starting position is to have the capsule level with the singer's mouth and then move it if necessary to suit the singer's most comfortable stance. Having the capsule level with the singer's mouth creates its own problems, as it is more susceptible to blasts of air, but there are methods to counter this, the most important of which is the use of a pop shield.
A pop shield is generally put up a couple of inches in front of the mic and its basic function is to stop plosives, which are the popping sounds from blasts of air usually produced by singing the vowels 'B' and 'P'. The pop shield also serves to protect microphones from spit and moisture produced by the singer.
Commercially available pop shields, which usually have a goose neck and a clamp allowing direct fixing to the mic stand, are fairly expensive.
If you cannot attach the pop shield directly to the mic stand, try using a second mic stand purely as support for the pop shield. If popping problems still persist, try getting the singer to sing
slightly to the side, above or below the mic. If a singer has difficulty doing this and needs to focus directly on the mic, put up another mic that is not plugged in and site it right next to the real vocal mic. Then let the singer sing into this dummy mic.
Whisper to a Scream
Microphones have to be connected to a pre-amplifier, and there are two options available. Connection can either be into the mic amp in a mixing desk's input channel, or into a standalone mic pre-amp. These provide a higher quality signal path to the recording medium than that provided by the average mixing desk.
Compression is near-essential to even out the performance when recording vocals. The human voice has a huge dynamic range (from a whisper to a scream, to use the old cliché), and a compressor will 'squash' that range a little. Don't go over the top, though; reducing the peaks by a few dB ought to be sufficient. Once compression is recorded you can't take it off, so it's best to err on the side of caution. More compression can, of course, be added as needed at the mixing stage.
Several of the standalone pre-amps on the market have their own compressor built in. When recording through a desk's input channel, a compressor should be connected via the channel's insert points.
EQ can also be applied when recording vocals, perhaps to remove a bit of nasal honk from a voice, to brighten up the sound a little, or, most usefully, to filter out some of the bottom end of the spectrum. Real low frequency sounds, such as outside traffic rumble or the sound of the singer's feet moving on the floor can be transmitted up the stand to the microphone, and an increase in bass due to the previously mentioned proximity effect can also be a problem.
To get around this, switch in a high-pass or bass roll-off filter. Most mic pre-amps and desk channels, and some mics, will have a switchable filter operating at somewhere between 75Hz and 100Hz, cutting out most of the low end below that figure.
EQ should, however be applied with caution. Adding too much top-end boost, for example, can often exaggerate the sibilance of the voice. It's best to record a vocal flat, but if you feel the need for EQ, use it sparingly. And while you may be tempted to use a noise gate or downward expander to cut out noise between phrases, our advice is not to. It's too easy to chop the end off notes and make the vocal sound unnatural.
Processing of this sort should be left to the mix stage, when time can be taken to set it up accurately.
Condenser or Dynamic?
Although there are other designs, the microphones most commonly used in studios today fall into one of two categories - condenser or dynamic. A microphone is simply a device which converts acoustic energy (sound waves) into electrical energy, and the dynamic and the condenser each do that in their own way. This has consequences for the sound produced, and hence the use to which each is put.
A condenser mic, also known as a capacitor mic, has a thin diaphragm that is supported around its rim at a small distance from a thicker backplate. The theory is that the two form the two electrodes of a simple capacitor, and are oppositely charged by the application of a polarising voltage. When the diaphragm moves in response to sound waves, the spacing of the diaphragm and backplate (and hence the capacitance) will vary, and this is used to generate the output voltage.
Because a voltage has to be supplied to the backplate and diaphragm, a mic of this nature needs a power supply.
This usually comes in the form of 48V phantom power supplied from the mixing desk or mic pre-amp. Condenser mics are more difficult to manufacture than dynamics and are therefore more expensive; they are also not as rugged and are more susceptible to changes in atmospheric conditions, so should be stored, and handled, with care.
In use, a condenser is generally more sensitive than a dynamic and has a better transient response. It also has a wider frequency response, so can pick up more top end than a dynamic, making it very useful for instruments like cymbals, acoustic guitars, and vocals.
Condensers can be built with two diaphragms, and by changing the voltage of the second diaphragm in relation to the first, the mic is capable of several different polar patterns - from omni-directional through cardioid to figure-of - eight.
Some condensers are designed with a valve in the circuitry; these do not need phantom power as they usually come with their own power supply. Valve mics provide a different tonality than the standard condenser, with an added warmth in the sound.
Another variation from the standard condenser design is the electret mic, which uses a permanently charged electret material to charge the capsule. These mics are usually cheaper than condensers and can often be run from a battery if you do not have a phantom power source.
Dynamic mics work because of the electromagnetic interaction between the field of a magnet and a moving coil conductor. A coil of wire, surrounded by magnets, is fixed to the back of the diaphragm, the motion of which results in the coil cutting through the magnetic field, inducing an electric current in the coil.
Unlike condensers, dynamic mics do not require any power supply. They are more robust, and can cope with high sound pressure levels.
Because dynamics are pressure- operated, their polar response can only be either omnidirectional or cardioid, and most handheld dynamic vocal mics are cardioids. Dynamics are also limited in their high frequency response, some having an upper limit of 16k (a good capacitor will go up to 20k).
Mics designed for stage use will often have a bass end roll-off built in to counteract the proximity effect, and many have a presence peak built into their frequency response somewhere up around 5k. This is designed to help vocals cut through a mix. Some very well-known rock singers record their vocals with dynamic mics for that particular punchy sound.
Microphone Polar Patterns
A cardioid (or unidirectional) mic is so named because of its heart-shaped response. It will pick up sound mostly from the front. Dynamic cardioid microphones are popular for vocals because of their off-axis exclusion, and robustness, but condenser cardioids are much better for the studio vocalist.
A figure-of-eight microphone picks up sound from both front and rear of the diaphragm, but because the opposite sides are out of phase, side-on sources get cancelled out. Figure-of-eight microphones have the potential for very accurate recordings.
A circle is the polar response of an 'ideal' omni-directional microphone. In practice, the response favours the 'open' side of the capsule at higher frequencies, so off-axis sources can be dull. Omni mics are particularly resistant to wind and handling noise.
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